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C4D軍用突擊步槍武器模型 Assault Rifle-菜鳥Cinema4D

C4D軍用突擊步槍武器模型 Assault Rifle
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首頁 分類素材 C4D模型 發(fā)布時間:2020-12-3 11:51 @版權(quán)歸原作者所有,僅供交流學習,禁止商業(yè)使用!

C4D軍用突擊步槍武器模型 Assault Rifle
該自動步槍由角斗士自行車工廠生產(chǎn)。這種單獨的武器會發(fā)射專門為其開發(fā)的彈藥:8毫米的利比羅爾。它可能是世界上第一個專門為突擊步槍設(shè)計的中間彈藥。它由一個組成。 351 Winchester自裝式彈殼,帶有8毫米(0.31英寸)Leber口徑裝甲穿甲彈頭。該武器系統(tǒng)由1915年Musa MLE的設(shè)計師之一lieberoller設(shè)計。1918年7月6日,該武器首次在凡爾賽試驗場進行了測試。 1921年7月20日至18日,在下龍long進行了一次全面的試驗。但是測試結(jié)果并不理想,首先是噴槍的動作機理不可靠,故障頻發(fā)。其次,這種彈藥的彈道性能未達到預(yù)期的理想狀態(tài),主要是因為超過400米時精度會變得很差。作為一種單獨的武器,槍的重量顯然太重了,但是當用作輕機槍時,射程和準確性均不及預(yù)期。結(jié)果,這種武器沒有得到進一步發(fā)展。
This automatic rifle is produced by the Gladiator bicycle factory. This individual weapon fires an ammunition specially developed for it: 8mm liberol. It may be the world's first intermediate ammunition specially designed for assault rifles. It consists of a. 351 Winchester self loading cartridge case with an 8mm (0.31 inch) Leber caliber armour piercing warhead. The weapon system was designed by lieberoller, one of the designers of the Musa MLE 1915. On July 6, 1918, the weapon was first tested at the Versailles proving ground. From July 20 to August 18, 1921, a comprehensive experiment was carried out in xialongying. But the test results are not ideal, first of all, the action mechanism of the gun is not reliable, and the failures occur frequently; secondly, the ballistic performance of this kind of ammunition does not reach the expected ideal, mainly because the precision becomes very poor when it exceeds 400 meters. As an individual weapon, the weight of the gun is obviously too heavy, but when used as a light machine gun, the range and accuracy are not as good as expected. As a result, such weapons have not been further developed.

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2020-12-8 10:51
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2020-12-19 16:59
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2020-12-31 09:30

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